Thursday, December 11, 2014


I think Janie is very particular with her desires. But there always comes a point in time where she doesn't follow through with these desires. Many of her decisions don't necessarily agree with all of her decisions. All of the men try to make her happy, for the most part, but she consistently finds something wrong. Her first marriage was with Logan Killicks. Before they were even married, Janie explained how she didn't love him, but she hoped that the marriage would aide her in doing so. She soon learned that she wouldn't love Logan. Logan tried making her happy, but they would only speak of materialistic things, and Janie was uninterested in that. When she ran off with Joe Starks, she never really thought about the future. She was only thinking about how unhappy she was, and she was seeking to change that. Not thinking long-term in this situation was very detrimental to her life. With her narrations, Janie explains how Joe changed drastically from when she first met him. I don't think Janie wanted Joe, specifically, I believe she wanted any one other than Logan. She was so unhappy that she was willing to settle for anything that came her way. Janie even says how she didn't picture herself with Joe under the pear tree, with the flowers blossoming. This setting, for Janie, was her true happiness. Eventually, Joe became so focused on the town, he neglects to remember he has a wife. Janie feels abandoned. But when actually does pay attention to her, he reprimands her. Even though Joe is such a huge figure, Janie is nothing but a trophy wife. The majority of the town hasn't even heard her speak, all because Joe doesn't allow her to speak. Joe had little to no expectations of Janie, besides being a trophy wife. Once he dies, she's relieved and feels free. She finally lets her beautiful long hair down, which was always covered. She soon meets Tea Cake, and automatically becomes interested. She didn't think through this relationship either. She warned and cautioned herself, but never thought about the future. She quickly gets attached to Tea Cake and soon makes plans to marry him and basically run away from the town. I think he's a bad influence and that this relationship can easily take a turn for the worst. Everyones worried about this relationship, and they must be worried for a reason. But Janie's "blinded by love."